Master Refrigeration

"Deliverin' the Shiverin' "
237 E Sprague Ave.
Spokane Wa. 99202
509-838-5095 Service
509-838-8600 Business Office
509-456-2126 Fax
Since 1980

We service and repair all makes of :
/ Walk in Cooler Repair
/ Walk in Freezer Repair
/ Ice Machine Repar
/ Flaked Ice Machine
/ Ice Cream Machine Repair
/ Ice Cream Dipping Cabinets
/ Frozen Yogurt machines
/ Milk Shake Machines
/ Slush Machines
/ Convenience Stores
/ Bakery Equipment
/ Process Chillers
/ Restaurant Equipment
/ Reach in Refrigerators
/ Reach In Freezers
/ Undercounter Refrigerators
/ Sandwich Prep Tables
/ Pizza Prep Tables
/ Display Merchandisers
/ Back Bar Coolers
/ Keg Coolers
/ Grocery Store Equipment
/ Floral Coolers
/ Wine Cellars
/ Exhaust Hoods
/ Air Conditioning and Heating
Ask about our Cost Effective Preventative Maintenance Program !
We stock parts for the do-it yourselfer !!
Call us for a competitve quote for your equipment needs !!